Unless they love them

So why so many bad ads?

Because coming up with awesome ideas takes time, and time is money, wham—an ad becomes expensive. So, what’s the solution? There is none. You either have an awesome ad, or you have an ad everyone hates. One is expensive; the other is cheap. But nope, not what you’re thinking. You see, the awful ad gets very little interest from the public, which results in a waste of time, thus making it expensive. The awesome ad, however, while having an upfront cost of an arm and a leg, can yield results that are pure magic.

The Anti-Annoying Ad Agency.

Ads tend to interrupt a person’s experience. You’re reading something, and an ad blocks your text. You’re watching a YouTube video, and an annoying ad pops up and interrupts your fun. It’s all too common. We make ads that entertain, not annoy.


Turn Advertising Into Storytelling.

“Buy this!” = scroll, click away, and an eye roll. How about engaging your audience instead of hitting them over the head with “Give me your money!”? The results will surprise you.


Ads suck. Let’s change that.

Give them a laugh, a bit of useful information, tell them a story—make it about them, not you.

These guys are insanely good. They’re expensive, but totally worth it.

Neha Goel

VP Marketing, The RipplerGroup

Ad Designer Group is the most talented team of creatives I’ve come across in 20 years.

Roberto Renteria

President, Renteria Marketing

Want an ad that doesn't suck?

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